Saturday, October 17, 2009

How to be a Successful Expat English Teacher

1) Get the job
2) Tell everybody you know about it, as casually as possible
3) Go abroad, etc
4) Go to an internet cafe downtown, update your Facebook status to note that you're sitting in an internet cafe downtown. Don't mention that the cafe is actually a McDonald's
4a) extra points if you can convincingly argue that where you are, there is no downtown, or even coherent infrastructure, and that in order to scrape up enough electricity to power your laptop, you had to go without food and hot water for 3 days
5) Start a blog
6) Work on the blog
7) Hang out in bars with other expats
8) Teach some classes

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweetie
    love the blog. I will sending everyone a link
